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オサスムサホチ |
2013.10.24 |
ハソタョ25ヌッナルJICAクヲス、、ホアムクサホチ、クウォ、キ、゙、ケ (JICA training materials for watershed management and flood control in 2013)
We provide workshop materials used in the JICA training programs for watershed management and flood control in 2013.
(1) Identifying watershed areas and land usage 1. Creating a river basin in Philippine with SRTM and Landsat images [pdf], [DATA 315MB] 2. Classifying land usage of the basin [ppt], [DATA 19MB]
For the analysis on a watershed, it is crucial to identify watershed border, area and land usage. Firstly, you make a shape file of a watershed by using 。ネHydrology Tools。ノ of ArcGIS on SRTM data. Then you clip the Land-sat images the wathershed shape file. Lastly, you make MultiSpec analysis on the clipped Land-sat data and classify the land usage.
(2) Flood simulation 1. Processing geographic data and simulating Tsunami at Kamaishi, Japan [pdf], [DATA 75MB] 2. Simulating flood in the Shire River, Malawi [pdf], [DATA 38MB] 3. Simulating flood in the Aceh River, Indonesia [pdf1], [DATA1 33MB], [pdf2], [DATA2 19MB]
In order to make flood control plans such as river works and relocation, flood simulation is a useful tool. Firstly, you make the SRTM data into an area you need by using the tool 。ネClipper。ノ of QGIS. Then you import the clipped data as a geographic data into the iRIC. Lastly, you input some hydraulic conditions such as inflow hydrograph and roughness, and do a calculation. |